Archive: Air pollution
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are now the largest contributors to global plastic waste. Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa lead the way with the most mismanaged litter on the continent.
If current carbon emission trends continue, South Africa might actually be on track to meet its 2030 emissions targets under the Paris Agreement.
Experts say climate change is the biggest threat to health in the 21st century. In South Africa, many lives are already being lost to extreme weather.
Delaying coal plant decommissioning is projected to lead to 15,300 excess air pollution-related deaths and cost R345 billion, finds CREA analysis.
South Africa’s heavy coal dependence is driving a climate and health crisis — tackling both together will reap huge benefits for people and the economy.
Authorities confirm methane gas caused last month’s explosion in Johannesburg city, which killed one person and injured several others.
Where governments and corporates are failing to take adequate climate action, a new report details the growing trends in litigation against them.
The IEA says that clean energy investment in emerging and developing economies must grow to USD $2.8 trillion annually by the early 2030s.
Eskom’s plan to temporarily bypass sulphur dioxide controls at Kusile coal power plant poses a deadly health risk to local communities.
The Pretoria High Court has granted leave to appeal the Deadly Air judgement regarding toxic air pollution in the Highveld Priority Area.
The main difference between EVs and hybrid cars is how they are powered. An EV gets its power exclusively from electricity, while hybrid cars – as the name suggests – run on a mix.
The place of natural gas in a clean energy future is hotly debated. But, there is a simple answer to whether natural gas is renewable.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) is promoted as a cleaner fuel alternative, but also comes with risks to the climate and health.
While fossil fuel prices soar, solar is the solution to affordable energy security, job creation and sustainable economic growth.
Lower running and maintenance costs mean EV ownership can prove an excellent investment, particularly as more affordable models become available.
Analysts agree that natural gas is too risky for South Africa, and it is not needed for the energy transition from coal to clean.
The link between coal, gas and water pollution is clear, but the extraction and use of fossil fuels affect ecosystems in many less obvious ways as well.
South Africa is experiencing a number of environmental issues, including global warming, pollution and species loss.
Air pollution is the world’s most critical environmental health risk. South Africa’s use of fossil fuels produces hundreds of millions of tonnes of emissions annually.
“There are no jobs on a dead planet!” goes the old slogan. Environmental degradation is a serious risk to economic growth.